Gone But Not Forgotten



Hello Emma,

We are sad to have to advise you that we had to have Star PTS on 10th January. She had issues with vestibular disease, and despite overcoming an episode back in Oct 2023, she has had a second and the vet advised that she wouldn’t recover this time. We are very upset but we would like to share a photo of Star with you.

We adopted Star when she was 18 months old in January 2013 so we enjoyed 12 years with our lovely Star

Kindest regards





Ian, it is with great sadness that I have to advise you of the demise of my adopted English Springer Spaniel, Ozzy.

I adopted Ozzy from CaESSR around Easter 2017 and brought him to North Yorkshire where he enjoyed walks in the dales and moors. He also spent many visits to his French Spaniel cousins in the north of Scotland. 
About 18 months ago he started showing symptoms of arthritis and then later other conditions developed including kidney failure and poor bladder control. Cancer was also suspected. At the end he was still enjoying short country walks and doing what spaniels do.
Best wishes and regards to all at CaESSR



Alfie GBNF4

Sorry that I couldn't speak for longer today but I'm still finding it difficult talking about Alfie.
I never thought losing him would have affected me quite so much.

We have lost a lot of dogs over the years as you probably know and it is always upsetting but
Alfie was very special.

I spent a lot of time getting him fit and building his muscles up after all of the operations he had and we walked miles and miles and spent so much time together. He passed away peacefully and we were together at the end.

I just wanted to thank you for giving us the opportunity to give him a good home, having him as a mate was a real privilege.

Thank you.



Max gbnf
Dear Di and team,
We are very sorry to tell you that we have had to say goodbye to our beloved Max.
He was diagnosed with kidney disease 6 months after we adopted him from you. He remained fit and active with the help of medication and diet. Unfortunately this condition cannot be cured and inevitably his kidneys stopped working.
We collected him from you in March 2022 when he was 8 years old. He was quite a challenge at first but with training he became the most loving dog. He was fiercely loyal, well behaved in restaurants and seemed to understand most of what we said to him. In addition he was a great time keeper!
We miss him more than words can say and we are so grateful to CAESSR for bringing him into our lives.
Best wishes
James and Alison


Zoe gbnf

We are greatly saddened to inform you that zoe has passed away after a very sudden illness.

She died in her own bed.

She was very special to the family along with ben(revo) and she will be terribly missed.

Zoe was a fun loving and happy dog with oodles of character we loved her lots

Keith Judith and andrea price

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