Gone But Not Forgotten



29.08.03 - 21.07.15 - with us 07.10.11 - 21.07.15

It is with much sadness that we have to tell you we had to let Molly to go peacefully yesterday. We adopted her from CAESSR in October 2011 and she came with an abundance of unconditional love and lots of character. Gary picked her up from you in Stoke to drive her to her new home with us in Northumberland, however, I had to meet him half way as she barked and jumped about the back seat all the way - at that point we knew we were in for some fun times!

Molly was a rabbit and bird catching kind of girl and almost never failed to bring something home - much to the delight of our neighbours and the people we passed! She had so much energy and fun in her every walk produced a story. She even tried to drag a dead fox home one day - luckily we were able to persuade her to leave that one in the fields!

Molly was diagnosed with a brain tumor in January 2015 and we played each month as it came, thankful that she had stayed with us another month, however, she became very poorly at the weekend and the vet advised us that she now also had heart failure. We knew that if the medication didn't work over the weekend the best thing for her was to let her to go peacefully, which happened last night. We were with her and we were the last ones she saw and heard and she went knowing she was loved very much to the very end and knows how we feel about her will never go away, a hole has been left in our hearts forever.

We are grateful that CAESSR allowed us to adopt Molly, who turned out to be the best pet we could have ever wanted, her tail wagging, face rubbing, tickle demanding ways will forever be imprinted on our hearts. Our four legged shadow will never leave our side.

RIP Molly, love forever. 

Amanda, Gary and Amber


Here are our sadly missed chums Amber and Chaz who spent the last 4 years of there life with us, having rescued them from yourselves.

It wasn't long before the pair of them found the best bed in the house, namely our bed!!

They loved their walk on the beach everyday and at weekends they looked forward to their trip to the farm.

They came everywhere with us, we actually bought a caravan so that we could all go on holiday, if they didn't come with us, we didn't go, no way would they have been put into kennels.

Chazzie used to love the car and as you can see from the picture he is looking at the map to make sure we were going to the right place.

Our home is now very quiet without the pair of them as they were so much a part of our family. We have Rosie who is 6 months old and misses her pal Chaz who bought her up and taught her everything she needed to know as well as allowing her to swing from his ears, he played with her just like a pup would do.

They are both now back together on a fluffy cloud somewhere, sadly missed and will never be forgotten. 

Many thanks

Tom and Liz


Dear John and Di

We write with the devastating news that Sam, our beloved cocker spaniel died yesterday just 6 months after his brother Harvey. We met the boys at your Stoke on Trent kennels in May 2011. They were 8 years old when they joined us in the Forest of Dean and brought such joy to us and our family.

Following the death of his litter sibling brother, Sam did amazingly well and soon adapted to life as an only dog. He had such a gentle nature always giving far far more than ever he took and never ever complained. The first sign that Sam was off colour was at the beginning of May. Blood tests indicated he had pancreatitis. He responded well to a course of antibiotics, was soon back to his old self, and at the age of 12 was circuiting our large garden as if in training for the Olympics, rolling on his back kicking his legs in the air and enjoying his woodland walks. Within 3 weeks, his symptoms reoccurred and following two further courses of antibiotics and displaying signs of a distended abdomen, he had an ultrasound scan which detected an abdominal mass which was compromising his organs. Following a great deal of heart searching and in the knowledge that his condition was rapidly deteriorating, we opted for surgery to give him a fighting chance. When this confirmed an Easter egg sized intestinal mass close to his stomach, we knew it was time to let him go.

Whilst we have a massive void in our lives, Sam is now somewhere over the rainbow with Harvey.

We are privileged to have had Sam and Harvey in our lives.

Bob and Daphne 26.6.15



You may remember Brock. We adopted him 4 years ago from you. He was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia, although the way he behaved you would have never known about his back legs. He loved running everywhere. Brock truly was a gift to us. He was a million dog, he never put a foot wrong ever. A valued member of our family, loved by everyone. We couldn't have been more proud of him.

I write this with sad news. A month ago Brock fractured his front leg. He was operated on and had it pinned with strict rest on the cards. Brock didn't like the rest but he was such an intelligent dog, he knew what he had to do. Another xray at the vets yesterday to see how it was healing. While under anesthetic the vet rang me and told me it wasn't good and they wanted to remove it. We knew that with his hip problems he would not have coped. The vet explained that he would never run again. It would have been a very selfish decision to have his front leg removed. We made the heartbreaking decision to have him put to sleep.

We are heartbroken but we had nothing but a full life with Brock.

Thankyou for letting Brock into our lives.

The Hartleys


It is with great sadness that I am writing to you to let you know that Jasper died last Saturday and we are devastated.

He spent two weeks in Goddards Animal Hospital before we had to make the painful decision to put him to sleep.

He was admitted with vomiting and dehydration. He had a major seizure before the surgical removal of a large stone that he had swallowed which then lead to a chest infection and pneumonia which failed to respond to antibiotics.

I had waited so long for my lovely dog and my time with him was cut way too short but I am so glad that we did have this time with him.

We have some great memories of spending time with him on trips to Suffolk, Wiltshire, Devon and Cornwall.

We plan to scatter his ashes along the walk I did with him every morning.

Thank you for allowing us to adopt him and changing our lives for the better!

Louise and Jerry

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