Here are our sadly missed chums Amber and Chaz who spent the last 4 years of there life with us, having rescued them from yourselves.
It wasn't long before the pair of them found the best bed in the house, namely our bed!!
They loved their walk on the beach everyday and at weekends they looked forward to their trip to the farm.
They came everywhere with us, we actually bought a caravan so that we could all go on holiday, if they didn't come with us, we didn't go, no way would they have been put into kennels.
Chazzie used to love the car and as you can see from the picture he is looking at the map to make sure we were going to the right place.
Our home is now very quiet without the pair of them as they were so much a part of our family. We have Rosie who is 6 months old and misses her pal Chaz who bought her up and taught her everything she needed to know as well as allowing her to swing from his ears, he played with her just like a pup would do.
They are both now back together on a fluffy cloud somewhere, sadly missed and will never be forgotten.
Many thanks
Tom and Liz