Sadly we lost Jenny who came to us via John - a lovely old girl of over 15 years of age.
A very sad story, the day the owner brought her to us was a very upsetting day. He opened the back of his car to lift her out - I said what is that harendous smell? He said its the dog. I said put her down so she could walk to our porch. Oh she cannot walk! He put her down by our front door took the duvet off her. Cristine and I sobbed our hearts out. Her claws were over 2" long her coat 4" to 5" long that had grown through the excrement. Her front elbows were bleeding where she had to heave herself up to get around in an outside pen of which she was left in for over 2 years.
Instead of hating men she showed us affection. We could do anything with her. So in less than a week she was gorgous.
We had her 81/2 months - the change in her was unbelievable. In a month she knew her walking and feeding times. A very sad and long story.
Tony & Christine