Do you buy or sell on eBay?
Did you know that you can donate funds to CAESSR whilst selling or paying for goods?
To do this you need to find your donation account, here’s how:
1. Sign in to eBay as you usually would Click on your ‘My eBay’ Tab
2. Next click on your ‘Account’ tab (next to your messages tab)
3. On the left hand side you will see a list of items, find the one that says ‘Donation Account’ and click on that
4. Again, on the left hand side, look for ‘My Favourite Charities’ & click
5. You will then need to type in the search box ‘CAESSR’ and select us as your favourite charity.
There are options on the left hand side to give Gift Aid and also so you can state if you would like the charities to have your contact details etc.
The option to donate to CAESSR will now automatically appear when purchase anything on eBay.
If you would like to sell items and donate, you follow the selling process as you normally would until you get to a section for giving to charity (just after you have selected the auction length). CAESSR’s name should now appear here, select us, and then select the percentage you would like to donate. This can be anything from 10% to 100% of the selling price.
Every time you list an item for charity, you’ll get a fee credit on your basic insertion and final value fees equal to the percentage you donate. So if you donate 50% of your selling price to us, eBay will waive 50% of your fees.