Adoption Procedure

The first step in applying to adopt a CAESSR Spaniel is to contact us and tell us who you are and a little bit about yourself. In order to find the right Spaniel for you we need to know about:

  • are you willing to travel to Stoke-on-Trent
  • your past dog experience
  • your family
  • any current pets
  • what you could offer a rescued Spaniel.

This can be achieved by a telephone call to a member of the homing team (see Contacts).

At this stage you will be asked certain questions regarding your domestic situation so that successful applicants can adopt a Spaniel of the correct age, size, gender and temperament. CAESSR will not place Spaniels with families that have young children (under the age of 8).

Following this telephone conversation potential adoptees will be given access to our “Application to Adopt” form. All prospective homes will be personally vetted by a CAESSR representative who will further advise you on proceeding with an adoption. All of your queries will be answered and advice is on hand for any who request it.

A satisfactory outcome will result in a recommendation and in you viewing one or more suitable Spaniels in our care (not always right away). It is important that liking is mutual so please do not feel obliged to take any Spaniel unless you are comfortable with your choice.

Please remember that there will be a period of adjustment and it may take a little while for a dog to accept a new family and strange surroundings before he can feel comfortable with his new life.

Many of the dogs that come to us require veterinary treatment. A donation from an adoptive owner will help CAESSR offset the cost of medication and keep so that we can continue to rescue other unfortunate Spaniels.

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