Taking on a Rescued Dog - Points and Tips to Help You

  • A dog which has had a bad home is likely to be very insecure and it may misinterpret ordinary actions………such as handling of brushes, sticks or umbrellas. Observe you’re new Spaniel all the time to assess what his life has been before you.
  • Your Spaniel may have been teased or tormented by children. Watch their behaviour carefully and do not let Children offer him/her food or toys until you are quite sure of him/her.
  • It is as well to take nothing that is said about them on trust…… prove to yourself that he is as good with children and babies/other dogs and does not over – react to postmen. Milkmen, Dustmen etc., and is also good with other animals. Take precautions until you know the Spaniel is as good as we understood them to be.
  • However sorry you and your family and friends may feel for the rescued Spaniel do not overwhelm them with gush and sympathy; let the dog make all the advances…. remember you are both on trial with each other. It is not unusual for the Spaniel to ‘take to’ just one member of the family and be suspicious of others.
  • Beware of letting your new dog off the lead until they have been with you at least six weeks or more (especially with dogs, which have been strays.).
  • Take care when reclaiming their empty food bowl; some dogs are very possessive about bowls, beds, etc especially when they have been deprived.
  • Beware of giving a bone… Bones bring out the worst in even the most relaxed dogs.
  • If the dog has been underfed, resist the temptation to overfeed. Small meals and often should be the rule.
  • Your new dog may feel entirely deserted when left alone in your home, especially for the first time and if they have been kennelled for a time. Plan to be with the dog almost continually for two weeks, and then to leave them for short periods only, until they feel secure. Some dogs will take longer to settle than others, be prepared, it may take days, weeks, or months.
  • Almost certainly your rescued Spaniel may not be fully trained or have had no training or as much love as they need, a great deal of patience will be required.
  • You must teach your new dog a new language; probably new games, and also your words for toileting, lie down etc. They may never have been encouraged to learn: be patient, be clear, and do not use too many words at a time.
  • Do not rush into bathing and grooming, even if they look unkempt or dirty. A few days of good food and T.L.C will do wonders for the dog’s coat and condition..
  • It is not wise to stress a dog with major grooming or bathing before they feel really secure with you.

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